Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tiramisu (Jensen's)


½ pint whipping cream

2 T + ½ cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

6 eggs, separated

1 lb mascarpone cheese, softened

2 large packages ladyfinger cookies

2 cups cooled, double strength Postum or Pero (or Hot Chocolate)

1-2 T rum extract (optional)

Chocolate milk mix powder

Whip cream until stiff peaks form then add 2 T sugar and vanilla and set aside. In a separate bowl beat egg yolks and ½ cup sugar until thick (4-5 minutes). Add mascarpone cheese and beat until creamy (2-3 minutes). In a clean mixing bowl beat egg whites until they form stiff peaks (4 minutes). Fold egg whites into mascarpone mixture. Add whipped cream and blend gently until combined.

Combine the Postum and rum extract then one at a time dip ladyfinger cookies for 2 seconds on each side (you want them to be moist on the outside but still slightly crunchy on the inside). Form a layer of dipped cookies in the bottom of a 9x13 pan – you may need to break/cut some of the ladyfingers to make an even layer. Cover the ladyfingers with half the mascarpone mixture. Arrange a second layer of dipped ladyfingers then spread with remaining mascarpone. Dust the top with chocolate milk mix powder. Cover and refrigerate for several hours or overnight.

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